Eine Luftaufnahme zeigt mehrere Baumkronen in Reihen, mittig ist ein kleines quadratisches Gebäude mit Flachdach zu erkennen.


State Parliament contact details

There are various ways of contacting the State Parliament, depending on whom you wish to contact.

General enquiries

You can contact all of the Members of the State Parliament, the committees and bodies of the State Parliament, and the administration of the State Parliament using the general contact details below. Personally addressed letters and emails will be forwarded promptly to the person in question.


Postfach 11 01 33
01330 Dresden

Phone: +49 351 493-50

Fax: +49 351 493-5900

Write Email

Parliamentary Party Groups

Please address political questions directly to the Parliamentary Party Groups.

Members of the State Parliament

You can find the relevant contact details and contact forms using the Search for Members of Parliament (only available in German).

Visitor Services

If you would like to visit the State Parliament, you can contact Visitor Services.