In Saxony there is a Federal State Commissioner for people living in Saxony who have a migration background. The Saxon parliament (Landtag) has created this office for a specific purpose. The Commissionier is a Member of the Landtag (MdL).
This is the website of the Saxon Landtag. This site also includes the web pages of the Saxon Commissioner for Foreign Nationals, Geert Mackenroth MdL. His pages are intended, on the one hand, for immigrants to Saxony, i.e. people who have moved to Saxony seeking protection here or wishing to live here.
The pages are also intended, on the other hand, for people in Saxony who are working to encourage integration. These include municipal commissioners for foreign nationals and integration, clubs and societies, advice centres and lead partners in projects, but also state bodies such as the Saxon State Ministries, employers’ organisations, chambers of industry and commerce, and educational providers.
Why does the Saxon Landtag have a Commissioner for Foreign Nationals?
The aim and purpose of the work of the Saxon Commissioner for Foreign Nationals is to promote the legal, social and cultural integration of people living in Saxony who have a migration background. The Commissioner represents their interests in bodies within the Saxon parliament – for example, in the committees or in the plenary assembly of the members. The Commissioner provides ideas on how Saxony can become more open to the world and on what can be improved, for example in questions relating to the immigration, residence and humanitarian treatment of people in need of protection.
Saxony is a federal state that has decided to opt for a specific Federal State Commissioner for Foreign Nationals and Integration who is free to act without being subject to instructions. His prominent position is evident from his affiliation to the Landtag, i.e. the legislative assembly. He is supported by the employees of the Office of the Commissioner for Foreign Nationals and the Commission for Cases of Hardship.
Outside the Landtag, the Commissioner for Foreign Nationals works to foster a good climate for integration in Saxony. He brings the people involved together, provides impetus and sometimes calls for improvements.
Within the Federal Republic of Germany he cooperates with the Commissioners for Integration of the other federal states.
You will no doubt be interested as to who you can contact in the area where you live or in your day-to-day setting.
The web pages of the Commissioner for Foreign Nationals include the addresses of the municipal commissioners for foreign nationals. They can be contacted in the larger towns and rural districts. However, we have also drawn up a list of a considerable number of advice centres, integration societies, state-run frontline services and useful contacts.
Here is the direct link to the sub-section “How to find…”. We recommend that you read the short introductory text, which will help you find the information that is most appropriate for dealing with your concerns. This section is available in ten selected languages.
Note about foreign language provision
We apologise that we can only provide this basic information in six selected languages. Up-to-date information such as statements and press releases are available in German on our homepage. Certain pages such as the “Wegweiser” (How to find…) and the Initiative on the Recognition of Foreign Vocational Qualifications have also been translated.